Countering fraud and increasing the protection of citizens from the actions of fraudsters


Poster: What to do if money is stolen from your card. 1. Block the card. 2. Write a statement of disagreement with the operation. 3. Contact the police. How to secure money in accounts? Do not tell anyone the expiration date of the card and the three-digit code on the back; passwords and codes from notifications; login and password for online banking. Do not publish personal information publicly. Install antivirus software. Give the code word only to a bank employee when you call the hotline yourself.

Poster: Beware: telephone scammers. 5 signs of deception. They approach you on their own, delight you with sudden benefits or scare you, put pressure on you, talk about money, ask you for information.

Poster: How to protect your gadgets from viruses. How can you tell if your device is infected? Freezes, reboots or shuts down, shuts down applications on its own, shows pop-ups, loses memory. What to do if there is a virus on your device? Call the bank and ask to block access to online and mobile banking and all cards that were used on the device, contact the service center to cure the gadget, reissue the cards, change all logins and passwords. How to protect your device from viruses? Use an antivirus, do not click on unfamiliar links, do not use other people’s flash drives, do not download suspicious files, download applications only from trusted sources, update the device’s operating system, avoid public Wi-Fi networks.

Poster: How to protect yourself from phishing. Phishing is a type of fraud in which a person’s personal information or money is stolen using fake websites. Often scammers create websites that are exactly like the websites of real organizations. How to recognize a phishing site? The address differs from the real one only in a couple of characters, there is no https and a closed lock icon in the address bar, the design is copied poorly, there are errors in the texts, the site has few pages or even one for entering card data. How to protect yourself? Install an antivirus, save the addresses of the necessary sites in bookmarks, do not follow suspicious links, use a separate card for online purchases.

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