Charter of the city of Moscow
Moscow City Duma:
— guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
— expressing the will and interests of the inhabitants of the city of Moscow;
- recognizing the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, asserting social and international peace and harmony;
– wishing to revive, preserve and steadily develop the spiritual, cultural and international traditions of our city;
— paying tribute to the military and labor exploits of Muscovites, whose mass heroism, courage and steadfastness during the Great Patriotic War were marked by the conferment of the honorary title of “Hero City” on the city of Moscow;
- striving for the best organization and organization of urban life on the principles of democracy;
- achieving greater efficiency in the activities of government bodies, ensuring the legality of the actions of all bodies and officials;
- taking into account the status of the city of Moscow as a subject of the Russian Federation - a city of federal significance, the capital of the Russian Federation, adopts this Charter - the Basic Law of the city of Moscow.