About the normative terms of preferential dental prosthetics
In order to increase the efficiency of providing certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow with social support measures in the form of free production and repair of dentures (hereinafter referred to as free dentures), we inform you.
According to the provisions of the joint order of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow and the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow dated June 14, 2018 No. 402 / 64-16-281 / 18 “On approval of the Regulation on accounting for work on the free manufacture and repair of dentures using the automated information system of the city Moscow "Unified Medical Information and Analytical System of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as EMIAS), an electronic work order is opened (closed) by the date of the actual start (completion) of work on preferential prosthetics.
The standard terms for the manufacture of dentures begin to be calculated the next day after the patient is received by an orthopedic dentist, including the removal of a cast (s) of the jaw (s), taking into account the provisions established by Article 191 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Taking into account the need for sanitation in some cases before the start of orthopedic treatment and in order to increase control over compliance with the standard terms for the manufacture of dentures using EMIAS, we ask you to be guided by the following provisions when taking into account the work performed on free dentures.
On the day the patient is consulted by a dentist-orthopedist, the registrar of the orthopedic department opens an order with the “not specified” type in EMIAS, which includes the services actually rendered to the patient, including X-ray examinations.
If on the day of the consultation with an orthopedic dentist, casts are taken:
- the work order is assigned a type corresponding to the type of dentures being made (“removable dentures”, “fixed dentures”);
- the work order includes services according to the drawn up treatment plan in accordance with the order of the Moscow City Health Department dated March 31, 2021 No. 285 “On approval of the Price Guide for orthopedic dental services provided by medical organizations of the Moscow state health care system to certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow at the expense of funds budget of the city of Moscow";
- the next day after the opening of the work order, the calculation of the terms for the manufacture of dentures begins.
If it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity, as well as in the case of taking impressions at a second appointment, an order with the “not specified” type, including the services rendered, is subject to closure.
After the completion of the sanitation (or) on the day of the re-admission, which includes the removal of an impression (s) of the jaw (s), an order is opened with a type corresponding to the type of prostheses being manufactured. The next day after the opening of the work order, the calculation of the terms for the manufacture of dentures begins.
In order to exercise internal control over compliance with the deadlines for the manufacture (repair) of dentures as part of free dentures using the EMIAS functionality, please refer to the following table:
Type of dentures (work) | Standard number of working days | Duration work order to UMIAS, days |
fixed bridge prostheses | 26 | 37 |
clasp prostheses | 25 | 36 |
removable dentures | 20 | 29 |
single crown | 6 | 9 |
combined crowns | 12 | 19 |
plastic crowns (mouthguards) | 5 | 8 |
repair (repair) of removable dentures | 3 | 6 |
We draw attention to the need for constant monitoring by the head of the department of orthopedic dentistry and the head of the dental (dental) laboratory (in his absence, the senior dental technician) over the compliance of the manufactured medical products with the electronic order data in EMIAS and the records in the medical record of the dental patient, as well as for compliance with the regulatory deadlines for the manufacture (repair) of dentures in accordance with the letter of the Moscow City Health Department dated October 25, 2021 No. 54-18-500/21.
We also inform you that in order to generate information from the Citywide Register of Recipients of Social Support Measures and the Unified State Social Security Information System (EGISSO), when a patient is included in the Unified City Register of Citizens Eligible for Free Manufacturing and Repair of Dentures, and (or) opening an order - order for free dental prosthetics, it is mandatory to enter information about the insurance number of an individual personal account in the system of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) of the patient.
I ask you to bring the information to the responsible employees of the medical organization and organize the implementation.